

Friday, September 26, 2014


So I'm trying to get my mindset into packing up some things since eventually I will be moving. I'm ready to pack up stuff but it gets a bit overwhelming at times. I've started with my kitchen and I am boxing up things I don't need while I'm still living here. I've had this package of dog training pads for awhile now because I had a sick kitty that was needing to use some. Well now I no longer need them but couldn't seem to throw them out (a common theme with me). I found a new use for them though! Why not pack with them. I'm sure bubble wrap would be ideally better but that can get expensive. I mean they are padded and seem perfect and I'm all about saving some money and using things I already own. So if you ever need some packing materials, these seem to do the job so far. I will let you know how traveling goes though! 

Okay, Off to try and pack more!

Have a wonderful Friday!

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