

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Earlier in the year I was having a hard time sleeping so occasionally I would make random things at very random times. One night, or probably early morning, I decided to make some of these ice cream wafer cookies. I had the wafers and I had stocked up on some candy melts I picked up at a craft store. I really like experimenting with things and making desserts is so much fun. I'm sure somewhere out in the world someone has made these before but I hadn't seen them cut in the shape of a cone. I had just seen where people dipped the wafter in chocolate or candy. Since wafers already look like ice cream cones I figured these would be super easy and fun to make.

What you need:
• Wafer cookies (I like to get the packs with the three different flavors because it's more colors to play with!)

• Candy melts (I bought the ones made by Wilton. They have lots of fun colors. This time I just used the white but my first batch of cookies I made had blue candy ice cream.)

• Sprinkles, candy, anything you want to decorate your ice cream with. (I used 4 different colors of the sugar sprinkles and the "cherries" on top are actually the mini chewy Sweet Tarts because they came in colors that matched my sprinkles.) 

• Knife

How to make them:
• Cut the end of the wafers into a point. No need to be precise. I had cut a little off the top corners as well thinking that would help make them more round like an ice cream cone when I put the candy on but honestly you can just put more candy on the wafer to round it off. 

• Melt the candy. Just follow the instructions for whatever type you have. Mine I just melted in the microwave and stirred until it was melted to an icing type consistency. 

• For some reason I thought I could just dip the wafer in the melted candy but that did not work so well and I ended up with wafer parts all in my white candy! So the easiest more effective way was to put the candy on with a knife. Just spread it all over the end on the wafer until you cover it like the top of an ice cream cone. You don't really have to put the candy on the back side of your cookie but I did on mine.

• While your candy is still soft sprinkle on your sprinkles or whatever you want to use to decorate them.

• Place cookies on cookie sheet, or wax paper and let the candy harden. I put mine in the refrigerator.

• You're done! Yay! 

I think these would be really fun to make in colors to match your party or baby shower. They are also really cute to use as decoration on larger desserts like a cake. Have fun and experiment!



  1. What a beautiful idea! I want to try these for my little niece's birthday. So colorful and sweet.

    1. Thank you! Oh that will be so cute! I hope she loves them!


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