

Monday, September 15, 2014


Unfortunately over the past few weeks I was a bit under the weather and then had a lot of catching up to do with my home and work. I just was not able to give my blog much attention but I really want to make it a priority to try and post something everyday if possible. 

One way I decided might help me do that is sharing color palettes more regularly. My past career involved a lot of color palette creating. It was important that I kept up with trends and created new ones. I had to be on top of what was going on out in the world of fashion, design, and products. I have always been passionate about color. The name of my blog is Bleed in Colors for a reason. Although I have multiple meanings for why I chose that as my blogs name, colors is and has always been a huge part of my life for everything I do. I get really excited when I see combinations of color that are fun, unexpected, and just work really well together. Many years ago, when I was a production artist for Hallmark, I had to be very accurate with color. I can match exact colors by eye very quickly and easily and mixing exact colors is just some weird talent I have. I know exactly how much of a certain color needs to be added to create another color. I don't know if I see things differently than others but I can be overwhelmed with the emotions I feel from color combinations. I absolutely love it and love to share it with others.

In all honesty I usually like to create my own palettes without a starting point, just me and a pantone book or swatch color book. Sometimes I just open Photoshop and start playing. In order to make it more fun a visual though, pulling research is something I try to do to show how to combine those colors and how much of each color should be used to create a certain feeling or mood.

So all of that has brought me to here, wanting to create colors stories and pallets for others to use for their art, crafts, or ever if you just want to be more adventurous with your home or clothing. I love to give people starting points of how to combine color that you may not have thought of. I decided to start with some things I have saved in my Pinterest boards for ages now. There is no reason they should just sit there and not be serving more purpose to inspire others. 

So here is my first color palette for fall. I know it's not actually fall just yet, I think we have until September 22 until Summer is officially over, but it's feeling like fall where I live already so I'm in the mood! I hope these can help you start looking at color more differently and adding it more into your life. Enjoy!

(From upper left to right 1. PInterest 2. Kinky Blue Fairy 3. Victor Eredel 4. via the Cocktail Ring 5. Natasha 6. Thomas Howes 7. Michelle Beaulieu)

You can also break this palette down to fewer colors. I will start adding more options here soon. Remember that when combining colors like in this palette, your neutral and less saturated colors should be used as the base for everything then bring in the greens followed by warmer red/orange colors. Brighter colors in a palette like this work better when you use them as pops of color because they can be a bit overwhelming if used too much. It can work you are just not going to have the same mood or feeling. Most importantly, have fun and be creative! 


(images used for inspiration ONLY. I do not own the rights nor created the images above. All sources are listed if possible.)


  1. I was wondering what were the names of the colors used for this color palette, could you please let me know?
    Thank you.

    1. Hi Nicole, unfortunately these are just swatches of color from the images sourced, no names. Just shades of minty green, reds, blacks, and navy. In the future I will try and add the Hex and RGB numbers so you can enter that into photoshop, illustrator, or anything program to get that shade.


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