HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone!!! I hope you have a great day full of tricks and treats! This day for me is like Christmas for most kids where you can't really sleep the night before because you're too excited! I have always loved Halloween and getting dress up as anything you want to be. Usually my costumes are horror related because I'm a horror blood and guts kind of lady, ha! This year I didn't really have much of a costume planned out so I'm putting together something for later today with things I already own.
My amazing boyfriend thankfully gets me and put this awesome video together. He's super busy with normal work so I am truly grateful he took time out to make this for me so we could share it today. I really don't even have the proper words to express how much it means to me that he made this. It's not my entire collection or my entire home but the film would have been way too long and I'm sure no one wants to sit through that. I'm really happy with how it turned out. I think he captures my personality and my home perfectly. We had some fun with a little stop animation so I hope you like it! If you're curious, the music is by Danny Elfman, whom I've loved since I was a wee little child. So...here it is!!! I'm so excited! I will get to cherish this forever since my home no longer looks like this.
Sara Harvey's Toy Sideshow from Doug Smith Media on Vimeo.
Have an amazing day and eat lots of candy!