

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Back in June of 2007 I opened an Esty shop as a way to keep creating my own work while I worked as a greeting card designer. I've been a long time supporter of handmade items and my fellow artists. Opening my shop just felt like the right direction for me to go in at that time. I loved getting to know a lot of other sellers and met lots of people who's work I still follow today. It's been amazing to see the directions their work has taken throughout the years.

Unfortunately around the end of 2011 I had to close my shop, something that was quite difficult for me to do but I had to make some important decisions in my life and having the time to create my own art just was not possible anymore. I meant for it to only be a short time but it ended up being a few years that went by. I was never certain that I would ever open it back up and sell my work again but that has started to slowly change as my life has been changing over the past year.

I wanted to share a few pieces of art that I had created back then for my shop. I was doing a lot of searching to figure out who I was as an illustrator. For my day job I had to illustrate in a lot of different styles and I felt like I was losing who I was and this helped me stay a bit more focused on myself. 

Thank you for looking! I'm not sure if I'll ever be selling any of these as prints again because I'm really excited to make new art but you never know, some may show up in my shop one day if there is interest. 

Have a great Sunday!


  1. Dear Sara, I bought two of your prints on Etsy some years ago (the two ones at the top) and I love them! They make me happy every time I look at them and people often ask me where I got them. :)
    Just wanted to let you know. I hope that you will open up your shop again someday.
    Kind regards /Helena, Craft & Creativity

    1. I remember you getting those! Aw, how wonderful! Thank you so very much! I will be adding more to my shop soon!


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