

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


As you know we are currently working on our home and will be renovating more areas as soon as we can. One that we definitely would like to update is our kitchen. Unfortunately it's not an option just yet but as soon as we are able, there will be some changes made. Nothing too drastic but upgrades need to be made. Our appliances are on the list to replace and I'm always on the lookout for unique products. One of my favorites on our wish list is retro inspired refrigerator. One company I love is Big Chill. They have a huge selection of custom color options which is awesome for someone like me that has to match everything! I recently partnered with BigChill to share their very cool products. If you're in the market for appliances or just want to dream up colorful kitchen ideas, go check them out! Also be sure to check out my Pinterest for other retro home ideas.

"The fact that most families spend the greatest part of their day together in the kitchen proves how vital a part it plays in the household. The most well known tenant of every family kitchen, the refrigerator, will always tell a story of its owner’s if we give it enough attention. The time of simple iceboxes has long passed and newer refrigerators have become so diverse in their designs that there is one for everyone’s taste. have been compiling all the different faces of refrigerators in order to recreate a classic refrigerator that could fit in the modern kitchen. Let us show you the different designs that represented breakthroughs in refrigerator design history and you can tell us about the one that you consider."

Have a great evening!


Wow, where did the year go? I didn't plan on taking such a long break from my blog but I blinked and most of the year had passed. So to get anyone who might read this up to speed, I moved last year across the country and since then have been setting up our home, organizing my collections, and doing home improvements when I have the time. I meant to share photos on here of our progress but it all just became too overwhelming.

Things are starting to finally slow down a bit so I will slowly be adding posts on here but plan to do a full blog makeover soon. Since my favorite holiday, Halloween, is coming up I'm starting to get really motivated to create and decorate. I will be sharing Halloween inspired products and art I find over the next couple of months both here and on PinterestI will also be sharing home improvement photos along with how we display our collections. I hope they can inspire in some way. Have a wonderful rest of your week!

Here are a few photos from last year right after we moved in. Halloween was the first holiday I decorated here and I can't wait to do it this year.


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