

Friday, November 14, 2014


A few years ago my home was on Apartment Therapy with a little interview and a house tour. I had totally forgotten about it until today when a few people noticed my home on Apartment Therapy's Instagram. No idea why it was posted today after so many years but it was a nice walk down memory lane. There are some differences in some of the rooms but nothing too dramatic. It's fun to see the changes overtime. I thought I would share that here on my blog today since I haven't had time to post much lately. I hope you enjoy it! Have a great night and I hope you have a wonderful weekend! It will be snowing here so I will be not be leaving my warm home that actually looks like a huge disaster area right now.


Friday, November 7, 2014


Happy Friday everyone! So years ago I had started a tattoo board on Pinterest to save tattoos that I liked because prior to now it was extremely difficult for me to find tattoo images that I though were done well and that were inspiration for me. I wanted to have files of artists and images that I thought were really nice body art. I mean lets face it, there are a lot of bad tattoos in the world and why not have one on your body that is done well, not one that was just an afterthought while you were out and decided to get a tattoo. For me, I'm extremely picky and would make sure I had planned out something completely, from who the tattoo artist is, subject matter, to how if flows properly on the body. This Pinterest tattoo board has grown significantly over the years and I try to add products and clothing I feel fit with the subject of the board. A lot of the clothing is either based around patterning that are tattoo like or clothing that allow tattoos to be more visible. If you ever want some inspiration for your own tattoo or just some fun products for yourself, be sure to check it out. I put quite a lot of time into curating this board everyday and I am always adding new tattoos and products.

Follow Sara Harvey's board iNKSPiRATiON on Pinterest.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, November 3, 2014


Happy Monday everyone! Thank you for stopping by! 

Halloween is one of my favorite days. Even though technically I play dress up all year, Halloween is the one day I can do it and not get as many crazy looks if I go out in public dressed up. Unfortunately for many years I haven't really had the time to create a costume not to mention the last time I was ever at a Halloween party was at least 14 years ago, sad I know. Even though I really had no time to put into much, I still tried to dress up as much as I could. Since I collect halloween masks and have a lot of clothing I can style, I always can come up with something at the last minute. This year was no different. I knew I wasn't going out but I still wanted to dress up. Since I had shared my "Toy Sideshow" video on Halloween it only seem fitting to dress up as something carnival related. When I put that much time into makeup and an outfit I always need to document it. I also have to say, this was the first time that I can remember, painting my neck in more than one color and that was so hard! Painting over a collar bone is not the easiest task in world and I give huge props to people that wear false eyelashes on a normal basis because those suckers are not easy to put on and took me a good 10 minutes or so, ha! So here are some of the photos I took after everything was all put together. I ended up with makeup from my neck in all kinds of weird places. My dog Ash was getting annoyed that I wasn't giving her my full attention so she showed up for some pictures :)

DRESS : Choies
SOCKS : ModCloth (similar here)
SHOES : ModCloth

Have a great night!

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